Monatsarchiv: Juni 2007

The beautiful game

New funny game: roll up a piece of paper into a small ball and hand it over! we’ll chase it, carry it around and frazzle it to shreds.
And there’s great progress in our training! we kick that paper ball around on top of our cage till it drops to the floor, then give out a gentle chirp, someone notices, picks it up and the thing is returned to us.
and they get quicker all the time!


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Eingeordnet unter birds, blogs, budgerigar, game, pets, training

couch climbing

The new playground has now been explored reasonably well, so it’s time to find out what excitement the furniture holds.
Our new favourite game: climbing the couch! Have a look!



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Eingeordnet unter birds, blogs, couch, first pictures, living room, pets

getting to know you….

new big toy! great fun!


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Eingeordnet unter birds, blogs, budgerigar, first pictures, pets, tame

decorating the new place

a few adjustments and everything will be perfect! 



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Eingeordnet unter birch tree, birds, blogs, budgerigar, living room, pets, tree chopping

sharping 2.0

to be honest: we are so busy these days that we hardly find time to write about it. but we are working on our photoalbum coming soon right on your screen..

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